Workout Instructions
Ascending reps (pause sets)
4 sets, 3/4/5/6/7 reps with 15 seconds rest between each rep range
3 min rest between sets
- Hold tight and pull lats down
- Ribcage to pelvis to lock the abs in and minimise lower back extension
- Control the eccentric, but be explosive on the concentric
B: Glute Drive
Ascending reps (pause sets)
4 sets, 3/4/5/6/7 reps with 15 seconds rest between each rep range
3 min rest between sets
- Keep chin tucked, eyes to follow hips
- The most important part of this is the top so spend 1 second at the top in a pause
- Keep ribcage down to pelvis to lock on abs and minimise lumber extension
C: Donkey Hack Squat (Single Leg)
4 sets, 12 reps
- Place foot in comfortable position
- Control the eccentric phase and go as low as your strength and mobility allows
- Once you have hit your desired depth, push the world away
D: Kick Backs
3 sets, 15 reps
- Place a plate under the standing foot to allow a swift follow through
- Keep rib cage down to pelvis to lock abs in and maximise hip extension
- Control the eccentric and be explosive on the concentric
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