June 2020
With such a large platform, we acknowledge we have an opportunity to learn, develop and grow as a company. Importantly, we also have a powerful opportunity to raise awareness. As a family owned business in Australia, inclusivity and equality are two of our core values.
In recognition of the devastating events taking place overseas as well as on our own soil, we took the time to reflect on how we can educate ourselves and make positive change.
We stand with all BIPOC communities around the world who are affected by racism and injustice. We are committed to immediate change to embrace diversity and make it part of our DNA. We will make Muscle Nation a community that is inclusive, supportive and empowering.
We donated a total of $10,000 between various organisations that help fight against systemic racism, oppression and injustice in Australia and overseas.
We donated gym equipment and accessories to an Indigenous Youth Program in NSW that helps get young people back on track by developing strong, happy and healthy foundations.
We have started the process of opening up opportunities for youth work experience, disabled, prison release and English second language people.
Let's make a difference. We're in this together.
Thank you to our MN community for constantly supporting us.